Conference & Proceedings: Manga, Comics and Japan: Area Studies as Media Studies (2018)

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Information on the conference on Stockholm University’s website
6 September – 8 September 2018 at Stockholm University.

In 2018 Sweden and Japan celebrate the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations. This occasion provides an exceptional opportunity to reconceptualize the study of Japanese culture in a way which meets the requirements of an increasingly networked and digitalized world. Our conference seeks to do that with a Media Studies approach that entwines the technological, social and aesthetic, and acknowledges the importance of everyday practices by non-elite actors. The objective is to revisit the potential and limitations of a privileged academic focus on “area,” in the sense of geopolitics (Japan) as well as subject matter (comics/manga), and to place greater emphasis on mediation in the broadest sense, including ways of how to operate Japan-related expertise as contemporary humanities-based research.

The conference focuses on three aspects:
(1) “Japan as Mangaesque,” related to the highly mediatized nature of contemporary Japanese culture, i.e. its media ecology, highlighting global and local mediations rather than national branding;
(2) “Manga Pedagogy,” applying the mediatic perspective to methodologies of Manga Studies within university programs and academic scholarship; and
(3) “Manga as Comics,” foregrounding media specifity in relation to comics and thereby extending the scope of Manga Studies beyond that of a primarily Japan-related field.


Proceedings available online:

Book: Manga – Medium, Art, and Material (2015)

Jaqueline Berndt, Manga: Medium, Art, and Material, Leipzig UP 2015 (collected articles, partly in German). Cover illustration: Christina Plaka.

ch.1_Teaching Manga Studies: The Case of KSU’s Graduate School
ch. 2_[in German] Traditionsbezüge: „Manga“, Bildrollen und Hokusai Manga
ch. 3_Historical Adventures of a Posthistorical Medium: Japan’s Wartime Past as Represented in Manga
ch.4_Takemiya Keiko: Mangaka with an educational mission
ch.5_[in German] Genji-Manga: Das „Asakiyumemishi“ im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs
ch. 6_Manga as “Literature”: Adaptations of Crime and Punishment in Japanese Comics (1953-2010)
ch. 7_Images to be “Read”: Murakami Takashi’s mangaesque paintings
ch.8_[in German] »Deutschland« im Manga: Ein parodistisches Terrain
ch.9_Magazines and Books: Changes in the Manga Market (co-authored with Enno Berndt)

Book:『国際マンガ研究』/Global Manga Studies, vol.4 (2014)

ed., Nihon manga to “Nihon”: Kaigai no sho komikkusu bunka o shitajiki ni (Kokusai manga kenkyū 4) [Japanese manga and “Japan,” seen from the perspective of the respective comics cultures abroad] [Global Manga Studies, 4]. Introduction [individually authored], Kyoto: International Manga Research Center, 2014. Print & Web.
(Proceedings of International Conference coorganized by Kobe University and Kyoto Seika University, June 2012)

Book:『国際マンガ研究』/Global Manga Studies, vol.3 (2013)

co-ed., Nikkan manga kenkyū (Kokusai manga kenkyū 3) [Studies in Japanese manga and Korean manhwa, Global Manga Studies, vol. 3], co-ed. with Yamanaka Chie and Leem Hye Jeong, Kyoto: International Manga Research Center, 2013. Introduction [individually authored], pp. 1–9. Print & Web.