“Manga as ‘popular culture’?” — Two (slightly different) essays (2022–23)

(a) 「マンガは「大衆文化」なのか?海外での日本研究におけるマンガの位置づけをめぐって」In: Die Aufgabe der Japanologie: Beiträge zur kritischen Japanforschung, ed. Dorothea Mladenova, Felix Jawinski, und Katrin Gengenbach, Leipzig: Leipziger University Press 2022, 303–320.

“More Mangaesque than the Manga: ‘Cartooning’ in the Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime” (2021)

In: Transcommunication, 8(2), 171–178. [September 2021]. ISSN: 2188-4986

Part of Special Issue with contributions by Lukas R.A. Wilde, Stevie Suan, Bryan Hartzheim et al.; ed. by Bryan Hartzheim and Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto for Waseda University, Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies.

“Anime in Academia” (2018)

Article available and downloadable via https://www.mdpi.com.

The entire special issue is open access and available via https://www.mdpi.com/journal/arts/special_issues/japanese_media_consumption.

“»Deutschland« im Manga, ein parodistisches Terrain” (2011)

Special Issue『美術フォーラム21』特集「漫画とマンガ、そして芸術」(2011)

guest-ed., special issue “Manga to manga, soshite geijutsu” [Manga, comics, and art], Bijutsu Forum 21, no. 24 (November), pp. 20–136.
Introduction and individual article “»Muimi« no »kaidoku«—Gendai manga kara mita Murakami Takashi no kaiga” [‘Deciphering’ the ‘nonsense’—Murakami Takashi’s paintings seen from the perspective of contemporary manga], 132–136.