Book:『国際マンガ研究』/Global Manga Studies, vol. 1 (2010)

Sekai no komikkusu to komikkusu no sekai/Comics Worlds and the World of Comics (Global Manga Studies, vol. 1; bilingual edition, English & Japanese), Kyoto: International Manga Research Center, 2010. Introduction, pp. 5–15. Print & Web.
(Proceedings of International Conference held at Kyoto International Manga Museum, December 2009.)

“Lebensorte und Vorstellungsräume: Ein Blick auf Comics aus der Sicht von Tokyo und Berlin” (2006)

in Berlin-Tokyo, Tokyo-Berlin: Die Kunst zweier Städte (Ausst.katalog Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin), hg. Angela Schneider, Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, S. 70-74
[English trans., ibid.: “Sites of Life and Spaces of Imagination: Comics in Tokyo and Berlin”]
[Jp. trans. by Kigawa Hiromi, in Jp. edition, Mori Art Museum, 2006, pp. 55–58].

Book: 『マン美研』 (2002)

Man-bi-ken: Manga no bi/gakuteki jigen e no sekkin [Towards an Aesthetics of Comics], Kyoto: Daigo shobō.
Introduction, pp. i–xv, and individual chapter “Tenji sareru manga: bijutsukan ni okeru manga no «bigaku»” [Exhibiting manga: The ‘Aesthetics’ of comics in the art museum], pp. 159–191.