In: Cinergie (Italian online journal on cinema and related media), 2012 [Open Access].
Author: Jaqueline
“Images to Be ‘Read’: Murakami Takashi’s Mangaesque Nihonga-like Paintings” (2012)
in Art of Japan, Japanisms and Polish-Japanese Art Relations, ed. by Agnieszka Kluczewska-Wójcik & Jerzy Malinowski, Torun: Polish Institute of World Art Studies & Tako Publ., pp. 321–325.
Book: Manhwa, Manga, Manhua (2012)
Jaqueline Berndt, ed., Manhwa, Manga, Manhua: East Asian Comics Studies, Leipzig UP 2012. Cover Illustration: Sookyung Yoo.
[mostly bilingual English and Japanese]
Introduction, pp. 7–9, and individual chapter “Manga x Museum in Contemporary Japan,” pp. 141–150.
“Manga x Museum in Contemporary Japan” (2012)
Published in Manhwa, Manga, Manhua: East Asian Comics Studies, ed. by J. Berndt, Leipzig: Leipzig University Press, pp. 141–150
“Postcritical Anime: Observations on its ‘Identities’ within Contemporary Japan” (2011)
In: Arts, Culture and Identity: Compilation of Papers and Seminar Proceedings, ed. & publ. by The International School Office, Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka City University, 2011, pp. 85-97
Book:『国際マンガ研究』(2) /Global Manga Studies, vol. 2
Intercultural Crossovers, Transcultural Flows: Manga/Comics (Global Manga Studies, vol. 2), Kyoto: International Manga Research Center, 2011. Introduction [individually authored], pp. 1–8. Print & Web.
Special Issue『美術フォーラム21』特集「漫画とマンガ、そして芸術」(2011)
guest-ed., special issue “Manga to manga, soshite geijutsu” [Manga, comics, and art], Bijutsu Forum 21, no. 24 (November), pp. 20–136.
Introduction and individual article “»Muimi« no »kaidoku«—Gendai manga kara mita Murakami Takashi no kaiga” [‘Deciphering’ the ‘nonsense’—Murakami Takashi’s paintings seen from the perspective of contemporary manga], 132–136.
“Manga museal, oder: Wer legitimiert wen?” (2011)
[Manga as Museum Art, or: What legitimizes what?]. In: Comic: Intermedialität und Legitimität eines popkulturellen Mediums [Comics: Intermediality and Legitimacy of a Pop-Cultural Medium], ed. by Thomas Becker, Essen & Bochum: Ch. A. Bachmann Verlag, S. 177–192.
Book:『国際マンガ研究』/Global Manga Studies, vol. 1 (2010)
Sekai no komikkusu to komikkusu no sekai/Comics Worlds and the World of Comics (Global Manga Studies, vol. 1; bilingual edition, English & Japanese), Kyoto: International Manga Research Center, 2010. Introduction, pp. 5–15. Print & Web.
(Proceedings of International Conference held at Kyoto International Manga Museum, December 2009.)
“Zeichentrick-Japanisch: »Japanimation« und Anime” (2008)
In: Japan-Lesebuch IV: J-culture, hg. zusammen mit Steffi Richter, Tübingen: konkursbuch Verlag Claudia Gehrke, 2008, S. 48–70